This is my first blog entry. I've created this blog adjunct to my mine site - using Tripod's existing blogging software, which I'm sure isn't the best out there, but will do fine for me - because I wanted to keep my web presence more up to date than has been the case recently, and using a blog tool seemed the obvious way to go. Once upon a time it was very easy to mess around with HTML and upload changes, but now that I do all my web surfing from home, I've found it an increasingly tedious chore, something that involves messing around with two computers, memory sticks, FTP etc - time which could be profitably spent (and usually is) doing something else instead.
Hence this experiment. We'll see how it goes. If I can seamlessly integrate all the existing content of the website into this area, I will - otherwise, the two will happily coexist. I'm in two minds about the whole "comments" thing - is it a good idea, or a bad one? For now I've left comments enabled but moderated, and (again) I'll see how it goes.
I suppose I should actually post some news, so I'll mention that I'm about half way through the new book, HOUSE OF SUNS, and that while this could not be called a sequel, it shares some of the background and characters with my novella Thousandth Night, which appeared in Gardner Dozois's One Million AD. HOS is set in about 6 million AD, and does not attempt slavish consistency with the novella.